Metatron is the celestial guide of transformation, overseeing the activation of divine DNA codes that elevate our vibrations and expand our spiritual awareness. He walks with us on the path of ascension, helping us reach a state where earthly lessons are complete, and we no longer need to return for growth.
Metatron’s presence brings balance to the subtle energy system and offers profound guidance for spiritual development. He has a special connection with Indigo and Crystal children, nurturing their spiritual gifts and easing the feelings of alienation they may experience in this world.
You may feel called to work with Metatron if you are seeking clarity on your spiritual path, feeling energetically depleted or unbalanced, drawn to geometric patterns and sacred prisms, or attuned to the power of white light energy. He is a guiding force for those who feel lost, offering wisdom, protection, and a reminder of their divine purpose.
In ancient mystical traditions, Metatron is said to be the highest of angels, known as the celestial scribe and keeper of the Akashic records. In Kabbalistic teachings, he is the ascended form of Enoch, transformed into an angelic being who bridges the divine and human realms. His presence is a beacon of light, illuminating the way for those who seek ascension.
This Stainless Steel Metatron Pendant is a tribute to his sacred energy, a talisman of divine guidance and higher consciousness. Let it serve as a reminder that you are always connected to the celestial realms, supported, and guided on your soul’s journey.
4cm wide and comes with chain