What is Light? Light is information.
What is Darkness? Darkness is the void of information.

As our Earth journeys into a new part of space, a transformation is unfolding. A shift in light, in information, and in consciousness is awakening within humanity. As Lightworkers, we integrate this new light, disrupting old patterns, frequencies, and vibrations. When the mind resists letting go, chaos may arise. Yet, through meditation and intentional practices, this light becomes the birthing ground for new awareness, wisdom, and states of being.

What once was is no more. In its place, a profound connection to Mother Gaia, the Collective Consciousness, and our innate state of bliss emerges. Fear of the unknown dissolves into childlike awe. From the density of the 3rd dimension, we transcend into the expansiveness of the 5th—leaving behind the illusion of separateness and embracing the truth of unity and love.

This is a journey of mastering duality, paradox, and physicality. Here, we flow with natural law, explore the quantum, and rediscover the Self—an endless dance of contraction and expansion, forever changing yet perfect in its purpose.

Words cannot fully capture this state of being, for it lies beyond the mind’s need to label and define. As we awaken, one by one, we become the light, the wisdom, and the connection itself. Belief gives way to knowing.

No one is left behind in this sacred dance of ascension. Everything unfolds as it should, guiding us to the next moment of becoming—for we are One.

How Great Thou Art.
– KyRa

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