Carnelian has many names- The Singers Stone, The Sunset Stone and the Artists Stone. Carnelian is a potent healing crystal and heals the mind, body and soul.
As with all fire stones Carnelian infuses the body with life and light, calling on the powers of physical energy. Linked to the 3 lower chakra, this stone stirs up fertility, even when one is not looking to walk that path, lifting the libido and calling to you jump into the fire of your own sexual identity and power.
This beautiful crystal is perfect for bring anything to life, filled with vitality and is not called the Artists Stone for no reason. Carnelian inspirers you to write, paint, dance, sing and it does so by stimulating warmth and heat into pure passion...and the creative juices just flow....
The Egyptians considered the Orange Carnelian blessed with Feminine energy and the mensural cycle, a stone of fertility and was linked to Isis. The Masculine energy of Red Carnelian was said to be more active in its power, less about shedding the old and embracing the fiery energy of the new. It was there to simulate love and passion. Warriors would string it around their necks when going into battle for courage.
In the Middle Ages, Carnelian became a stone of alchemy. With its protective fires it protected against plague and sickness. The wise ones would boil up the bright autumn energy to kick start the powers of other Chalcedony stones.
The word Carnelian comes from the Latin meaning "flesh", the stone is the perfect reminder that we are flesh and blood and that we should make the most of the NOW.
Size 2cm-2.5cm in diameter.