Stunning Blue Caribbean Calcite, seeing through deception.
Cracking up through the Earth, on the Pakistan/Afghanistan boarder in 2019, Blue Caribbean Calcite introduced itself to the world. A newcomer that is perfect for Our new found consciousness and the state of affairs in this world today.
Blue Caribbean Calcite was formed on the boarder, created by the British Empire, called the Duran Line. A boarder made out of nothing but lies, deceit, manipulation and fear. It was when Pakistan was still a part of India. The Empire seeded that Russia was going to invade India and that they would loose hold of their country, their intervention and protection was needed.
The agreement/treaty was signed on November 12, 1893, in Kabul, Afghanistan. The Durand Line has served as the official border between the two nations for more than one hundred years, but it has caused nothing but controversy and division for the people who live there.
There is much talk and here-say of the deception around the agreement/treaty made. It was a verbal agreement and it is said that Afghanistan did not understand English or what the were agreeing to. When the British Empire fell it was assumed that they would be given back the land.....they never did.
So here in the Now, we are introduced to the beautiful Caribbean Blue Calcite. Risen from the Earth in the middle of an area that has seen nothing but violence, anger, betrayal, hate and much physical warfare, all based on fear, manipulation and deception.
Mother Earth has gifted this to the surface at this precise time. It is time to release all the fear, suffering, grudges and conflict of this world.
Mother Earth has a consciousness of her own and sees this conflict as a Global issue as well. It is parallel with that part of the land and the untruths and manipulations in which was created.
Politics, media, Hollywood, corporate, banking, education, medical, ect ect and all of their deceptions, they mirror what we are being told and where we are in the Now. We are witness to Covid, human trafficking, slavery, child abuse, injustice, fear, anger, loss of rights, deception, lies, manipulation, illusion ect ect.
Blue Caribbean Calcite's entrance is made in the perfect timing.
There is an instant calm and strength in its presence. It is like 0 to 100, no process as there is with other crystals, instant calm. Not a Zen calm of floaty, it is a calm of peace, alertness and pure clarity. I can see everything from here feeling.
It brings expression without aggression, releasing old grudges, reframing possibilities and options. Blue Caribbean Calcite brakes down old belief systems and awakens a new mind set. It takes the heat out of All that is in conflict, suffering and pain.
There is a knowing of instant Ancestry support as this Calcite enhances our Psychic abilities and aids us in finding Our true voice and true Self. It forms a circuit with in our higher chakra that works as a channel for communication of all expressions, throughout all dimensions. It guides us though our own life's as it brings a higher light, truth and clarity to the mind, body and soul. It brings down the veil of deception, illusion, manipulation and of that, with an agenda.
For now it is only found on the Duran Line and I feel this is the only place it will be ever found. It is to be considered rare. We are still finding the gifts of this beautiful Crystal, though in its presence, it speaks Truth very loud and the message and healing the Blue Caribbean Calcite carries, is unmistakeable.
Weight 117 grams
Length 10cm
Width 6cm