Titled "The Great Awakener", Black Kyanite offers the potential to awaken those to their highest potential.
With a frequency vibrating at the highest frequency, it has the potential to rapidly transfer energy.
Unlike other crystals, Kyanite - like Citrine - never absorbs or retains negative energy, so no cleaning or clearing is necessary.
Rare and one of the best for grounding and protection, Black Kyanite is referred to as "The Witches Broom" - not just for its broom-like shape but also its ability to remove negative energy from the Auric Field and help heal emotional, physical, and mental stress.
Angelic in appearance, it shares a powerful connection with Arch Angel Michael - showing up in the Old and New Testament, the Koran, and esoteric writings.
Ideal for Etheric cord cutting, Astral Travel, and more, Black Kyanite Angel Wings enable the fullest potential.
Weight 159 grams
Height 18cm
Width 5cm