Described as "The Great Awakener", Black Kyanite is known for its ability to help awaken those to their highest potential.
Vibrating at a high frequency, it facilitates the rapid transfer of energy. Plus, unlike other crystals, Kyanite - like Citrine - never holds onto negative energy, eliminating the need to cleanse or clear.
A rare gemstone, Black Kyanite is considered one of the best for grounding and protection. It is often nicknamed "The Witches Broom" in part due to its broom-like shape, but also because it can erase negative energy from the Auric field and help to heal mental, physical, and emotional stress.
With an angelic appearance, it is heavily associated with Archangel Michael, who appears in the Old and New Testament, the Koran, and other esoteric writing. Ideal for Etheric cord cutting, Astral Travel, and more, Black Kyanite Angel Wings are perfect for unlocking one's full potential.
Weight 100 grams
Length 12.5cm
Width 6cm