The How The Why The When

The How The Why The When

Crystals where the first Beings to arrive on our beautiful Planet Mother Gaia. They are the time keepers and information holders of all that has been and that in which is to come. 


As we enter the Crystalline Age of Human Evolution, the Crystals of Gaia are activated to guide, align and aid Us in our transformation from the 3D Plane of physicality, matter and all which passes. Into the 5D plane of the Astral realms. That is which is infinite, eternal and holds no beginning or end. 

They gift Us healing, Universal truth, connection to the Higher Self and to Source Energy that emits an innerstanding and remembering of who and what we truly are...Children of Light.  

As we awaken, evolve and Crystalline, the power of Crystals  introduce us to our True Selves and dissolve that, in which is not. 

They take Us on a journey to reveal our Inner Spirit, our Soul purpose and the insight of the wonderful things long ago promised to Us for the time that has NOW come.

And so it is.

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