The Dogon Tribe, The Nommos and the Sirius Connection

The Dogon Tribe, The Nommos and the Sirius Connection

Indigenous mythology and folklore are frequently dismissed as nothing more than legends and parables, used to honour Elders and teach moral lessons, to younger generations.

Yet evidence suggests that a secluded tribe of cliff dwellers, who's traditional folklore pinpoint the exact location of astrological bodies, and highlights concepts of a Sirius Star System, that modern science has failed to unearth for hundreds of years. 

With out a doubt Sirius is the brightest star in the sky. The name Sirius derives from the Greek language and means "Glowing One" or "Bright One." According to observations conducted in the 1920's, what appears to be a solitary star is actually a double, or possibly a triple star system. 

It seems today scientists are only just starting to acknowledge what the Dogon Tribe of Africa, has known for thousands of years. 

The Dogon tribe is a West African tribe of roughly 100 000 people who dwell in Mali and Burnina Faso. They inhabit the Bandiagara Cliffs, where the majority of them live in caves. These farmers where considered to be somewhat isolated from outside society, until about the turn of the century.

They have remained secluded over the years, according to their tribal customs. The tribe established its homes on the side of the cliff in the third Century BC, taking advantage of the areas natural safety and remained there ever since.

However it was not until the late 1930's that French Anthropologist's found their curiously advanced and astrological knowledge, despite leading a rather primitive lifestyle. Although the Dogon reside than 2000 miles away from Egypt, their history appeared to have some intriguing connections with its legendary ancient ancestry, that hinted at some relationship to the stars. 

The Instructor Gods, according to the Dogon, descended from Sirius and brought knowledge and wisdom. What is fascinating is that the Dogon were aware of Sirius, and its triple star system, long before modern science discovered its existence. 

Dogon religion and oral history, say that the Dogon tribe was visited by mythical Beings from the Sirius Star group, a long time ago. These aliens were aquatic creatures who taught the Dogon about their home. Tbe Dogon referred to these visitors as "Nommo's, describing them as amphibious beings from the same star system as the Egyptian divinity Isis.

Apparently the Dogon knew a lot about the Sirius star system before the rest of the world did.

While Sirius A can be seen with the naked eye, its companion white dwarf, Sirius B, was discovered with an advanced telescope in the 1950's. The Dogon tribe on the other hand, were well aware of its appearance as well as its aurigal period, reporting its existence years before it was proven. 

Serius B is a white dwarf which is a small star but is extraordinarily heavy, according to modern astronomy. They knew about Sirius B, but it is virtually impossible to find it in the sky with the naked eye.

The Dogon Tribe even possesses almost astronomical illustrations compared to modern designs, where drawings represent the orbit of Sirius B around Sirius A. Even more enigmatic is that they actually drew Sirius B, of a smaller size and claimed that the star itself consists of a material brighter than Iron, which they call, "Sagla". 

The Dogon also claim that a third star in the Sirius system is yet to be discovered, and gravitational forces may support this claim. According to investigations Sirius C, the third system, is a red dwarf star, 100 times less massive than our Sun, and far less luminous making it difficult to observe with modern equipment. 

The Dogon knew about Jupiter and called it "Dana Tolo", as well as its four satellites and rings. Their mythology detailed the elliptical orbits of planetary systems around the Sun and even recognised the Sun as Sirius brother system. They claim that these two systems split up to produce two independent star systems of the same origin. 

Outside of the Dogon, amphibious and God-like entities occurred in various ancient societies. Aquatic beings were described in mythology, by ancient civilisations ranging from Babylonia to Greece and even Slavic countries.  

Some have made an interesting connection between the Dogon and Darco in Japan. Alternative explanations point to Darco statues that represent astronauts or beings in space suits. The Darco were said to have arrived on flying ships, bringing with them written language and many other features of civilisation to the Japanese. 

Interestingly there is a deity, known as Dagon in ancient Mesopotamia Lore, who is descripes as a merman or Fish God, a depiction that can also be seen in the Hebrew bible. But it is the Dagon's relationship with Egypt which is the most intriguing. 

The Dogon's description of a Sirius star system, is based on ancient Egyptian phrases, that have not been used in millennia. Other similarities can be noticed in the way the two cultures arranged their civilisations. Such as the construction of a upper and lower kingdom and the use of a 360 day calendar.

The Dogon do not have a written language but continue to pass down their history through word of mouth to selected members to the tribe to this day. 



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