Healing the Inner Child

Healing the Inner Child

Let the healing begin.

My only wish is that you learn to see yourself, in the Light I see you.

I see you not a a victim, not as a sad story, not as broken or incomplete, quiet the opposite. You are a warrior and here to but an end to life times of patterns and cycles that others before you have not been able to master. They were not even aware that there is anything that needs to be mastered, they were way to busy in the drama of old and long gone energy, feeding it, keeping it alive and with it the pain fresh. For them this is all there is, no other options, no other choice, absolutely drowning in Self, pity, revenge and how they always pull the short sick and if you think you have suffered...well you should hear their story.

In fact they do not know who they are without the story....for it has become their identity, and they will tell the world of their sorry tale, and find contentment and relief in the pity and the sorrowful looks of others. Poor thing, poor broken dove, tell us your story again so that WE may feel blessed. I have never heard of someone living though such suffering, pain and injustice as you. And look at you, you hold it so well for what you have endured. Honest you are a walking miracle to of survived.

You are not broken darling, quiet the opposite, you are here to put an end to the injustices inflected. Not feed off them, get attention from them and use them as an excuse for not taking responsibility of your self.

What happened, has happened. It is long gone and I see not excuse for the way you treat yourself and others. All your self hate is your own and what you manifest for yourself and continue not only to have in your life....but honest, it is your focus, your love, your drama, your story, your stimulation.....what else would you be other than your story that you speak of over and over again. Always returning to it, always using it as an excuse and a topic that you need others constantly to tell you how wrong it was and to give you sympathy and attention that you eat up and drink in.

You have every excuse for your behavior, your actions, the way you treat others, your anger, pessimistic attitude and the negative low vibe you constantly give to others. How many times has your best friend heard this story, it has been the same for years. You don't change and for another it is a very stale and no longer holds any interest. It is a life sucking vortex that leaves them feeling empty and robed of their energy. They have nothing else to say about it. They have told you how they feel for years....you cant even remember can you.

Their story and life changes constantly and you cant even recall thier side of the conversation,or keep up, you dont even remember their partners name, as this friendship is based on YOU. Their suffering is nothing compared to yours, and you tell them so as you delve back into your misery and favorite place to be. And you scratch your head when yet another Friend is gone....there is no one ever there for you.

You speak of narcissists and all they inflicted on you. It was you who chooses the company of the narcissist and from your own self contentedness and your own narcissistic behavior, your own inability to see nothing but your own suffering.

Like attracts like, it is a natural Law, look around you, what is with you....is you. As an adult you are responsible for you and your life. WE all carry trauma, suffering and pain in many different ways and forms....but it is all of the same essence.

You do your best and know you yourself have inflicted your own pain on those around you. They need to see it, they need to feel it, All you want is them to see your suffering, as no one does......and it is here I am going to tell you, neither did anyone of the pain that your perpetrator carried and left with you.

They have a story too, they also could not escape. They too decided to carry the energy and pass it on to others. They saw no other way but their own pain.

WE have choices, WE either give Love and Light to others and feed their Higher qualities, lift them a give them a feeling of Bliss, of connection, of friendship, of their best interest and of unconditional love. Or WE devour all that is good around Us and taint it with our own misery. WE rob these wonderful energies.....for we feel way more at home in the misery we pretend to want to escape...but who would WE be with out it???

What WE carry is our own, and WE as adults can be there for the child that was forgotten, or we can call out with the child that still calls out for someone to listen, to help, to make the bad feelings go away. To protect them to make them feel safe.

WE remain returning to these feelings because it is what we have built our whole identity around and WE know no other way. . Being a Victim, we can join in the millions of Souls Cry of Suffering and join them in the prison of mind possession. It feels good not to be alone, but sill, your story, illness, misfortune, trauma ect....is so much deer and worse than anyone else's. And you will fight to prove this to show this.

It is time to no longer hide in Shame, Guilt, Suffering and carry around what is not yours. It is no longer cool to play the victim and we are all so sick of the story. It is not what who loves you see's, you are so much more. But you chose to be stuck in a space you only see your side of the prism. You actually like your pain and suffering and love to share it with those all around you.

You are a downer. Not many enjoy your company and many are there just out of pity, you'll take that....and run with it.

Speak loud, tell your story.

Acknowledge it, feel it and get out what you need to release. It is yours and yours alone. Look at it from every angle and realize it is not personal. It is the way and the cycle of energy and patterns, but they can be changed for one whom can come out of their story.
You are not the bad things that have been done to you or the bad things you think you have done. You are far far more than that. In truth it is of no matter at all, you are always ALL you are, WE just get disconnected and forget, and without this finding that connection in utter darkness would not hold the impact it does. To come out of the nightmare into pure Love and Light. To know and see the truth....everything happens for a reason.

You are the voice of Truth, and these things where given to you, for you and only you have the power to put an end to not only your own suffering but that of many others that have also had the suffering, anger and pain of another inflicted on them. Those caught in the loop of ancestral, genetic and repeated pattern energy as you have been. Unaware. You do not know what you do not know.....what you don't remains in shadow until WE stumble on to something that changes us, our perception and way of being and inter-grading information. WE are a product of our experiences and know of nothing out side of them. WE forget WE are now an adult and no longer need to see though the eyes of the child.

You now have a voice and a choice.

Repeat and pass what has always been passed on to your children and those you love. What over time has become a part of the make up and karma of your blood line and heritage. Come from a space of fear, anger and pain and give momentum to the existing energy.

Or starve it. See it for what it is and its story, its energy. You are a Child of Light, you are not your story, your families story.......you are the one strong enough, brave enough and powerful enough to put an end to the dysfunctional Karma of past. WE can wear the illusion no one else wants to own and in this show all whom are inflicted by this pain the truth. It is an energy pattern your family will no longer be following for you are the one that now is aware of what is happening and learning the nature of energy.

You are the alchemist brought here to change this energy and bring healing no only to yourself....but your whole bloodline, present and past. You have the power to to change everything and just being here, reading these words......you are the one with the power to activate your root tribes DNA, energy cycles and wipe the Karma slate clean.....you have the power to heal this world and join in the movement to alchemize the negative and unconscious energy of the past, its downward unconscious cycle and be the first wave to evolve into the New Human Being, to pave the way with a new Consciousness, A new awareness, a new Sense of who and what WE are.

WE witness the miracle of not only the healing change of the Self....but the healing change of Suffering, Guilt, Blame and Shame though the transcendence of the matter, of the physical and the mental possession of the 3rd dimension.
A process, a needed experience of the vast scale that is open to us in this world of free choice and duality. If we do not venture into the spectrum of Light and Dark.....one would never find the harmony, the magic, the pure awe of the Human and what WE are.

WE are creators of all matter and duality. WE are of free choice and loved and held high.....For WE alone delve into the limitless void of above and below, and with each cosmic Breath of expansion and contraction.....WE put light into darkness, Consciousness into Unconsciousness, Love into fear. Each time WE delve into the darkness, the unknown....WE expand, WE learn, WE Light more of the void.

WE experience suffering, pain of flesh and of Spirit. WE fly with the Eagles and know the world of the parasite. From the Macro, to the Micro. As is above, is below. The Inner and the outer. Here they are Polar and a playground of experience, senses, feeling, emotions, from the highest Bliss to the deepest grief and sorrow.

It is all beautiful and one.....from where WE have come. But here to experience Life in Polar Duality, to have choice there must be choice. How gifted we are to have the freedom with out judgment to sore without boundaries.

It is here we learn about Action Reaction......it is here light is put on where there was none. And it is here for the first time the Human Being finds Harmony. The freedom to experience all the delights of the Flesh, safe in the Consciousness and awareness of What and Who WE truly are.

KyRa xxx

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