Blue Solar/Luna Water

Blue Solar/Luna Water

BLUE SOLAR WATER - for healing, raising your vibration, clearing all Subconsciousness back to Zero Programing and Conditioning.
Blue Solar Water heals the Body, mind and Spirit.
It is a tool of Ho'opanapana and I have put the link of Zero Limits Audio Book with Dr Hew Lin in the comments. It is soooo worth a look and holds the fundamentals to Healing All blocks, trauma, attachments ect. ( I will write another post of this but this book is worth your time as it holds so much wisdom)
Blue Water and Solar elixirs have been known and used for centuries and is a great tool of Color Therapy. Colored bottles or containers are placed in the Sun so that the water absorbs the Solar energy and it is infused with the color of the bottle. Each vibrates a different frequency for different well being and health benefits, mind, body and Soul.
The color blue is associated with relaxation, communication, regeneration and sleep. It can be used to treat a variety of conditions such as stress, sleep problems, high blood pressure, headaches and subconscious conditioning and programing.
It aids meditation and Spiritual growth because of its calming effect on the whole organism. It is infused with the Throat Chakra and aids in Communication, Self expression and creativity. Blue Solar Water balances, clears and empowers this Chakra.
Blue Water:
Cleanses deep negative subconscious programs that are automatic repeated again and again.
Heals by bringing emotional blocks to the surface and relieves us from them so that we can reset back to Zero, a pure state without background noise and negative thoughts.
Meets positivity, Peace and Love.
Removes reoccurring memories and or programing that that runs your sub-conscious, freeing you from the effects. It removes them from a level you are not aware of, as Blue Water works at a subconscious level.
Our bodies love it. In the book Zero Limits, Dr Hew Lin says " Blue Water will love your Body as much as your Body loves Blue Water."
Drink it.
Rinse your body, hair face with it.
Rinse your veggies and fruit with it.
Add it to your bath water.
Make coffee and tea with it.
Make Luna water for the Divine Feminine energies desired...Solar water is a Masculine force. 
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