About Me

About Me

Welcome and I am soooo delighted you have come for a look-see, yes my website is evolving as I Am....this is epic. 

I was knocked conscious in 2014 and experienced the awakening of awakenings. On my knees I found something of magic, of wonder, of healing and of the greatest truth. Never before hadI felt so alive and never before had these eyes seen this world, our Earth as I did that day...and it has never left. 

It opened something with in me, let me innerstand myself in a way I never thought possible. Everything I knew...went out the door as I touched on something that rocked my very being to the core. What was this...what was happening to me. Was I going mad.

I found my answer not long after on Facebook, a platform sooo new to me. At first I saw things that I thought were crazier than what I was experiencing...and then I found others that knew that I knew, seen that I had seen. How could this be...how could this soul, here on Earth know of the wonders that I had found, communicated with, knew with my heart and Soul and taught me in a way I had never been taught. 

Everything made sense here in this madness, everything felt like home, everything made me feel more alive than I had ever been...and then they came....during my second divine healing with Angels...they were blue, beautiful and turned my life upside down and around....everything that I knew...that I was lead to believe was false...and this...new but all so familiar....it spoke to me things that once spoken...I knew...it was innate in me. 

Dreams, visions, meetings, instant downloads of knowledge...most of the time looking up the words I had written or said...only to find it true...in alignment and to make perfect sense. This information lit me up from the inside literally....I could feel it in my cells, my body...extending out and if followed it does not end. 

A relationship with The All, with our Mother Gaia, with every blade of grass, every animal, human, plant...atom and cell. The outer world knew me and I knew it....

A relationship with Luna our Moon, Our Sun the Son....with the planets, cosmos....and Beings. The inner worlds...the journey of the self and a remembering of that in which I am consisted. 

There are no words...just endless blogs, poems, memes and a connection to millions of Souls across the Planet. And the current communications are all the same...it is time to come together...it is time to find the others. It is time to share our gifts...step it up and come out into the world...no...it is not quiet ready...but if nothing changes...nothing changes. 

We are the Change, it is Us we have been waiting for and it is time to step it up Healers....and here I AM.

KyRa xxx


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