What is a Chakra

What is a Chakra
From the Great Spiral Galaxies, to the countless atoms in a grain of sand, everything of matter is made from spinning wheels of energy, of stardust and all that is and ever was....giving birth to Life and ALL that is to come.
Wheels layered on wheels, all spinning on an axis, solidifying into form....into existence. Fractaling out, seeking consciousness of each other. All spinning, in orbit....Revolving and Evolving.
The One in the Many giving birth to All Life.
Mother Earth, Gaia, Our Great Wheel in which all life here arises. She is the great wheel conductor that connects each of us to each other, here in the from ( the container) to Spirit and the ever expanding Web of Life, seeking to become Conscious.
As the micro is the macro, as with in as without, through our Chakras, our 7 energy centers, we can become connected and one with the Many. It is here the journey can be refined and tuned. It open us up to whom and what we really are and take Us on a journey of pure magic and wonder and not of this Earth.
The Central Channel, the Shushuma, in which our 7 Chakras are aligned and run down is the generator to Our Auric Field.
Chakra comes from Sanskrit and means Wheel or Disk. Energy Vortexes of light that keep Us connected to Source and to All.
There are 144 Chakras in our body in total, but the Master 7 set our Wheels in motion of connecting us to the One.
Each of the 7 Chakras is associated with a certain part of our body and a particular organ, which it provides the energy to function. As each organ has its equivalent on the mental and Spiritual level, as too does each Chakra, corresponding to a specific aspect of human behavior and development.
Root Chakra- The I AM - Survival Chakra
Sacral Chakra - The I Feel - Emotional Chakra
Solar Plexus - The I Do - Personal Power Chakra
Heart Chakra - The I Love - Giving and Receiving Chakra
Throat Chakra - The I Speak - Communication Chakra
Third Eye - The I See - Intuition Chakra
Crown Charkra - The I Know - Spiritual Connection Chakra
Two basic currents, one from above and one from below pass between the Chakras causing them to spin like gears and take us on a profound journey of Life and an Awakening of the Self and your true nature.
The openness and flow of energy through our Chakras determines our state of health and balance. Knowledge of our more subtle energy system empowers us to maintain harmony and balance on the physical, mental and spiritual level.
In order for us to become fully self-realized and in harmony with our physical and spiritual nature our denser lower energies need to be harmonized with the lighter energies of the upper centers.
The refined Chakra creates an energy Vortex, a gate of such, in which lets Us walk in-between worlds and reflect on the infinite fractals of Self. When all Chakras are aligned this is when we experience the Kundalini Awakening.
Understanding and knowledge of our subtle energy system gifts US a profound formula for complete Wholeness and a template for transformation. For these Celestial gates form the connection to Spirit, Source and The One in the Many.
KyRa xxx

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