Upcoming Cosmic Energies

Upcoming Cosmic Energies
A rare alignment of seven planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. This celestial event is called a 'planetary parade,' and it is visible in the night sky right after sunset.

Planetary alignments have a powerful energy effect on everything: mood, emotions - they can vary. Some people may feel increased energy, inspiration, and creativity due to the unique energetic pattern and blueprint. Others may experience heightened sensitivity, introspection, anxiety, irritation. The specific influence on mood may depend on individual astrological factors and personal beliefs.

Enjoy the cosmic spectacle, stay in a wave of neutrality, positivity, calmness, gratitude, regardless of what may be happening around. All the energies entering our field now is about energy in motions, e-motions, feelings. The soul leads the body, allowing it, is your freedom of choice. Opportunities for personal and spiritual growth, which carries the energy of the sky and mother earth Gaia, opening of a portal - time of enormous changes all around and within.

KyRa xxx

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