They know not what They Do

They know not what They Do
They know not what they do. I think of them as my children, they are very vulnerable and mislead. They are lost and do not understand why.


My heart brakes again for them.

My arms reach out to them.

My lips pray for them.

My eyes see the light in them.

My Light shines for them.

My brothers and sisters, whom still dwell where I once did, I am here to lead them home. The Unconscious, Source bless them.

They suffer still lost in the illusion of separateness. They are blind to who and what they are, they do not see their magnificence, for they have long lost connection with Self, Spirit and Source. They are past reflections of I, and I have not lost myself enough to forget that space, to live in the pain body. To feel the soul burn and be a servant to the matter of this world.

I did not come here for whom already is conscious, what would be the point in that, preaching to the choir. Useless and a waste of energy, that is in need right now.

Where does it get us to place ourselves higher, to separate and feel superior. We have done this before and it will not happen again.

We are all of Same and we heal the Whole by healing and love for self and through our love for our brothers and sisters in our own reflection.

Fill your hearts with Light, compassion, forgiveness and LOVE.

We are not here to scrutinise, judge and feel superior to our brothers and sisters.

On the contrary....we are the Beacons of light that shine the path for them to raise out of the abyss of illusion and into the Light of Truth of human Being.

I love you my heart, my darlings. WE are One I see and I feel each and every one of you...a blessing...a curse, well that is all in the perspecive and choices made from the core of that we are.

Now is the CALL for action, shine, follow your visions, your higher purposes and dreams.

Shine on the flock and be a Shepard of Light. Let them know all they are and what they are. What a gift.

Love ALL like you have never loved, for it is from the heart we hold this space, and only from the heart can our work be done.

And so it is, 
Infinite Love Kyra 

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