There is much depression of energy out there at this is felt by each and every one of Us.
In and out, out and in We drift...and if One has not been up keeping their Lightbody.....things may feel more than a little dark at this time. Breathe....come into the Now and be reminded of Who and That Thou Are.
The Second Death....the death of the Ego...The splitting of the Polarity of Self. This is a new consciousness...We have evolved mind body and spirit. In the 3D form it was not until the 11 hour...just before the last breath of life that we were gifted a life review. We have heard it many life and death experiences, near death experiences and after death experiences..."my life flashed before my eyes".
In the 5D form...or the preparation of it...we are granted in this time a life review while we live on the Earth Plane. One does not have to be ascend in this new energy, in this new age and time of Awakening on our planet.
Many are remembering and getting flashes one after the other of times of constriction, suffering and of struggle. The old feelings of hopelessness, physical pain and at loss. The traumas, the inflictions and the unjust are raising from with in. The experience, the emotions, the thoughts, the body reactions, the fear, the hate...all of the 3D plane.
Now let me remind you Child of are a 5 dimensional being. You have the tools to alchemise and restructure this energy, reframe the experience and bring light into the void of the 3rd dimensional plane. Energy never can only be transformed. This is what we are in the midst of doing.
Remember to do your light work. Bring light into each of your chakra...for each is a dimension of its own. To bring light into our Chakra, brings light to the darkness....darkness only being void of information...unconsciousness.
What haunts you, what follows you, that in which you know the 3D mind thought was there to destroy you, that you thought was punishment, all that you thought you were against...the demons with in....that is this energy.
Yes it is an entity of its you yourself created....but it is not here to harm is the fractals of you yourself that are void of light.
If one has not cannot awake...for one is more than happy with the current state of affairs. To awaken to the 5th dimension, to experience the second must innerstand that one knows nothing...all that knows dies...and all the is left is that that Is. There is a stepping out so to speak....a braking of Self...for in this suffering there is no where to go, no where to is that it is.
Those whom have fallen...have higher to rise. To innerstand the Outer Worlds and that of physicality, One must know the extremes....experienced them....know the plane in which they exist like the back of their own hand.
It is a world of paradox, of polarity, duality...for to be of free will...there must be choice. As is above is below. Those whom have come first shall be last, those whom have been last shall be first. To be the be awake and to RIP. This is the dream, this is the illusion....this is the adventure.
To innerstand that this is our play play with reality every learn to Master this physical is a plane of her own.
What often forget that there is no success as there is no is the climb, the adventure and the gift of life. It is the change, the evolution and the growth....for we are eternal and this is the blink of the eye....I am not this body, I am not this existence....I Am connected to the All.
This is the magic of Light Work.
In this new light...all that is needed is given....and the fall is the lead Us to here. There is much still to innerstand...we are but children of the light...but we are leaning fast.
The human being will radiate or drain....and in the awakening, in the new consciousness, in this new state of being and of new connivance ...what was the night mare becomes the gift.
It is time to let it go...not push it down, neglect it and keep these pains to return for healing and alchemising over and over again as we have experienced life after life, generation after generation in the 3rd dimension.
Let it surface, acknowledge it, love is a part of you, it is a part of Us All. No more 3rd dimensional primitive and self based out looks.....were all the 3rd dimensional emotions are unleashed in a world of shame, blame and get back.
The tables are thing changed....but everything has.....let the adventure begin....for the suffering is a gift......and this lightness, of just this, this feels like Home.
KyRa xxx