Sirius- The Spiritual Sun

Sirius- The Spiritual Sun
Sirius, also known as the Blue or Dog Star, is 23 times brighter than our own Sun has been titled Our Spiritual Sun.
Our own Sun-Earth Orbit, warms our body....brings life light and illumination to our avatar and vessel.
Our Sirius-Earth Orbit, warms our Soul and brings higher consciousness and new levels of intuition and awareness.
In modern astrology, Sirius holds the vibration of Freedom, both personally and collectively. This energy has the ability to release limitations, open our hearts and minds to new ways of being and in turn, gifts the freedom to express our true and authentic Selves.

There is an abundant flow of inspiration, that we can all tap into, that grants us the power to turn our dreams and goals into reality.
In Ancient cultures it was believed that the Soul passed through Sirius in order to ccess the next plane of existence, some call heaven.
From Ancient Egypt to Ancient Shamanic cultures, Sirius aligns with the idea of Spiritual Awakening and the inevitable cycles of transformation that take place as we make our way though our Earth journey and beyond.
KyRa xxx

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