I Love A Good Cyclone....All Pixies Do

I Love A Good Cyclone....All Pixies Do
A very good morning to All, light and huge Love from me to every living Being, every consciousness....every life...for how precious and wonderful it is.
It is Sacred Sunday.....
To be ones self. Well for me it has usually caused much chaos, drama and conflict...lol Probably why I find myself living blissfully in the middle of no where. Free to be Me...and those simple crazy things that make my spirit dance, my passions, my connections...my life....my gifts. How blessed I Am.
As many know we have been under cyclone warning here in Queensland Australia for nearly a week. Loads of drama, speculation, sensationalism and fear. And yes...for good reason...Alfred was coming.
As I am with my parents helping out with my mothers recovery, I found myself at the Sunshine Coast for this event. Right were it was suppose to be heading.
Now a normal mortal would feel a little apprehension, for it is true...most leave the storm and I was heading for the eye of it....and all I could feel was pure excitement. For, if I am to be me and to be honest, I love a good cyclone, it runs in my blood and adrenaline is what I feel.
And here is where most lose their bundle with me....and I see why, I wish they saw me.
Cyclones are not new to me. I was brought up in Queensland. We have done this a few times before when I was growing up. Dad would tape up the windows....bring everything in that he could and anchor down what he could not.
There was the shopping with all we needed to get us through. Candles, gas, plans for if the roof came off or anything went wrong. I listened to these plans, took note that this cyclone could be very dangerous and destructive. As nature can be.
The feeling I got at these times was not one of fear, it was of power. It was of my family coming together as we never had and preparing for a battle against Nature. I have always had a thing with the weather since I was a child...as Pixies and Elementals do.
I loved to run in the night air, it made me faster, I loved the smell of Sunshine, still do, to this day. A love affair with the moon always, the rainforests spoke and so did the animals. And what about that sky...those stars and the planets....it feels like home.
And I could change the weather, my friends would ask me to on sports days and other events. A crazy remembrance....but true.
Fire is my number one go to, then Either, air, water and then last Earth. Just my own preference.
Then their is wind....oh my...how it makes you feel. Standing in a gale of wind.....it fills me with spirit, it fills me with connection. My breath is taken away and then my lungs fill up and all I feel is extreme power....I feel everything and know there is more than our eyes see and our minds know.
Then their is witness of people coming and working as one together. Like one big tribe, one big family. For a moment the ego is quietened in all....we are reminded that no one is in control. We are reminded that we need each other and cannot alone. We are reminded of how strong community is and only seem to come together in these hard times. Here We are One....here in the storm we are powerful and it is here and only here we seem to take a minute to think about how precious and beautiful Life Is.
So here I sit this morning, in a room full of windows, and they are open, have been all week. I knew I would probably have to move if the cyclone hit....but there is only strong winds and a little rain. To sleep with the elements wizzing around me...I sleep like a baby. The storm outside...my bed my cocoon. I looovvvve it.
I feel so alive, so connected and I send my energy into the winds to others. I send love, I send light and conscious connection. I send the intent for Us to innerstand these things always, not just in times of fear, natural disasters and chaos.
For it is all a dance....and it is all so beautiful that many get carried away and forget....that it is a part of Us. It Is Us...forever moving, forever changing, forever expanding, forever evolving.
Oh how I shamelessly love a good cyclone.....and do you want to know a secret.....all Pixies do. 
KyRa xxx

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