Full Moon in Leo Transmition

Full Moon in Leo Transmition

Dear One, why is it you focus and direct your energy on what, in yourself you think holds you back, what your mind tells you you lack and all that blocks your way to your Higher Purpose.

Do you not see.....

Focus on your dream, it is right there before you. You see it, you feel it, you taste it and know it. All has lead you to here. This moment, this Presence....this All. Be present, don't look back or forward....your power lay only in the Now.

Put All your energy here, and All your focus. For it is in your bliss, your joy and forfillment that you shall find and all your heart seeks. For this is destined and the Time is Now.

Listen not to the mind, for it tells only lies.....listen to the heart, for it is the connection to your truths of truths, your Higher Purpose and for All that you have had in dream and held for eons in the fibber of your Being to come into manifestation and form. For you are Shaman, Warrior and a Child of Light.

It is that you fear....lol, something new, a gift for your gifts. A turn in the tide.....A new Cycle into the Golden Age. Fruits of the Harvest for the Chosen Ones to lead the way. Tools, consciousness and All the Love of this world granted. It was, is and has always been yours.
Forget what you think you are not for this is not of Consciousness, this is of Old ego, old patterns living 7 generations in span. You are a new era, a new evolution, a new way and All that We have waited for.

Shine your awareness on what you are. On what you asked for, what you have worked for and what you were born for......it is Yours. It is your birth right and it is Time, All Stand with You Beloved, we Move As One Conscious Constant flow of White Light.
Let this New Moon bring All to Light.

My darings.....aim your focus here. For you are not alone, know this.....feel this and Connect.

We Answer the Call and Stand as One with All.....this is it.

If you had
One shot
Or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted
In one moment
Would you capture it
Or just let it slip?


KyRa xxx

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