The Seven Seals

The Seven Seals

Know Thy your seven seals....
Root Chakra- your connection to Gaia....this is where our survival instincts reign....trauma can sever this root, this connection and fear makes its foundation. This is the space of I Am.
Sacral Chakra- your connection to you sensuality, our connection to the self, our self talk and love for self. This is the space in which we feel. This is where we hide from our pain and seek pleasure to seek comfort and numb the suffering. This steams from our pleasure principles, disconnecting us further from our needs and filling them with toxic behaviours and patterns.
Solar Plexus- your central nervous system...all about action and motion. Conscious when balanced....unconscious where not. The I do...this is the space of will power and where we hold our shame and blame.
Heart- Ahhh where the process begins...the heart of it all. When clear One is connected to Gaia and Gaia to you. There is a connection to all things. It is where and how we love. It is also where we hold is where our true natures are seen and our relationship with everything.
The Throat- The I speak, our connection and communication to everything, from each other, our planet, plants and animals, the cosmos, the Angels, the Masters and all other light beings and existence. It is where truth resides.
The Third Eye- To see with out looking. It is how we see....either clear and full of clarity. It is here sacred sight is gifted. It is the portal to see be all. It is linked to memory, past lives and other realms. It is of our higher self....and to realise that if this is not clear....we live in illusion...we see that we wish to see, not what is right in front of you.
The Crown- The I know. The Activation of the Whole Merkaba Light Body. To transcend the align with the divine. The portal to the other side, to is here we travel and find We are far from alone....yet All is One.
KyRa x
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