Sacred Sunday Blessings

Sacred Sunday Blessings

I wish you a magical Sacred Sunday, full of light, connection, bliss and love.
Awakening is a magical ride full of adventure, we are rebirthed but as with all births, it comes with pain, and takes a while for the new infant to find their feet.
There has been a major shift and some of us are still scratching our heads, some are still in the birthing process, transforming and some are transcending and on that glorious wave of connected Conscious bliss.
Where ever you are remember to be gentle with yourselves.
There is a newness, almost an emptiness.
I talked to spirit personally about this. I explained that I had created space and kept it for so long, surely it was time for it to be filled. I felt bad asking about this, but I feel so strange, so raw and like I know nothing and everything at the same time. The answer I received blew my cotton socks off.
Spirit told me the space had already been filled. Yes, my head and all my senses gave a flip at this answer as well. At first there was the disbelief......this just cant be.
Then came the complaining, I feel so empty, so alone and light. It were as if my spirit craved something of denser vibration to feel full and weighed down. The craving of the senses of the human flesh. It is strange to me to be in this new state.
Total bliss until I realize there is nothing under my feet. I am in the unknown but known. To be full but feel empty. How odd, how confusing!!!!!! lol
Great Spirit said that was exactly what it was. I had shed much of what had weighed me down. Work, relationships and environment, habitual habits and perception, my beliefs and boundaries, my labels and limits. I had been rewired and see all through different eyes and frequencies. I am reborn and I am new from my DNA, to my connection to Source, to the way I think, to how I perceive and what I believe. I am conscious and a part of the whole.
I am with you within this new plane we have consciously connected with and/or are creating with universal love. Things are changing and we are evolving into the beautiful light beings we have always been.
I do not pretend to know anything. The truth speaks for itself.
Hearts are being mended and pain bodies are being left behind. We wondered what 5D would be like, well warriors this is it. Well done.
From the darkest of darkness comes the brightest of light. The frequencies and vibrations are high and we will grow into them.
What an honor.
There are Universal celebrations going on and some where in this newness of higher energies there is a Peace and a overwhelming feeling of coming home. 

KyRa xxx
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